padudu moro

crystal. zalera. est.

disclaimer: she has very, very prominent scarring. please use caution throughout the site. xoxo

rules & ooc.

  1. 21+ players only.

  2. padu is an adult. please expect adult conversations, themes, and so on so forth.

  3. padu is happily taken and in a monogamous relationship - she will not engage in romance with another person.

  4. no perma death, but if you wish to gore her? permanent injuries? near death experiences? yes please, bring it on!

  5. padu is suited to any themes - adventure, slice of life, comedy, ect

  6. ooc planning is a must. ooc friendship is welcome, but never required. let's stay friendly!

  7. lore compliant, welcome to lore bending if you mention it beforehand (and it makes sense with the established lore)

  8. have fun!

PADU 27. she / her.shitpost extraordinaire, huge jrpg nerd, loves food way too much. I love to banter, hopefully you do too! I'm generally in game during the weekdays at 7PM+, though I'm much more readily available and able to respond quicker on discord.discord handle: padudu


  name.    padudu moro
  age.    twenty five
  birthday / nameday     december 10
  astrological sign / guarding deity.     nyemia
  gender.     female
  pronouns.     she / her
  sexuality.     pansexual
  height.     2'10"
  weight.     45 lbs
  hair color.     natural deep dark red (previously dyed blonde)
  eye color.     burnt amber
  skin tone.     tanned
  notable features.     freckled body and face, runic tattoo under right eye, prominent burn scars on stomach, shoulder, side, and thigh
  job occupation.    astrologian / fight den waitress / bestiary researcher
  place of origin.     sharlayan (colony)
  home.    limsa limonsa / mists / the shroud
  affiliation.     studium / agora / sharlayan citizenship
  family.   rorojaku nanajaku (very big very legitimate big brother), goti'a benh (fiance)
  marital status.   engaged

  d&d alignment.     low-bound chaos gremlin
  mbti.     enfp
  likes.     sweets, moogles, reading, fashion, painting, dancing, insects, nature, exploration, animals, puzzles, music, adventures full of danger and thrill
  dislikes.     boredom, unkempt people, bitter-tasting foods, people messing up her hair, sappingly sweet people
  virtues.     discipline, perseverance, courage
  flaws.     dishonest, stubborn, gossipy, ill-tempered, belittling, capricious

  personality.    with an outward personality and penchant for getting herself into awkward and dangerous situations, she lives her life by the phrase “the world is your oyster”. her tendency to act on her impulses and attempt to satisfy her ever growing list of curiosities put her in strange, sometimes troubling situations. despite being a sort of thrill seeker, she enjoys painting, studying the great outdoors, astrology, and mentoring others. while she hides her scholarly, pessimistic, and sometimes sardonic side with a front with airheadedness with a touch of vanity, she cares for the wellbeing of others and will often be the one to stand up and defend strangers from wild beasts and intimidating ne'er-do-wells.

Sometimes when we’re lost, we’re told to look towards the stars towards our destinations. The heavens will point wayward souls to an unbeaten, unwalked path.
The world has always been filled with unknown wonders, on the earth and beyond, and all of it was worth exploring. That was what Padudu’s mother had always instilled in her as a young child. In her early years she had spent the majority of her childhood outside the forests of Sharlayan, toting around her mother’s planisphere to look through every night. Never having the opportunity to make many friends or stay in one place, she instead learned how to survive in the forests with her parents’ support.
When Sharlayan began its exodus, she was left behind, with her mother's assurance that she had her genius in her blood and with enough perseverance, she could grow up to be something wonderful. Left to her own devices, she survived on her own until she stumbled upon an Ishgardian couple injured on the road. After she nursed them back to health, she took their offer of shelter and adventure in their home.After the calamity, the three survived together, becoming solid, steadfast friends. The three of them embarked on adventures throughout the Dravianian lands, claiming treasures and relics for themselves. Under the tutelage of a senior historian and astrologist, she became adept at uncovering artifacts and judging them by their use and value. The friends had joined an expedition enroute to the icy, cold wasteland of Coerthas, where an unfortunate accident occurred that tore her world apart. When she returned home, all she was met with was with hateful words and scornful stares.She left her home behind in search of another. Haunted by her experiences and unwilling to admit to any trauma, she buckled down in her stubbornness and attempted to move past it all, and instead focused on expanding her knowledge in other fields.She lived her life rather aimlessly, attempting to prod at anything to sate her ever-growing curiosity as well as finding a grounded purpose to her existence - to which she found the answer: simply enjoy the life one leads. Newfound friendships, family, love and purpose ebbed her way into her core - and now she finds herself more than fulfilled these days, focusing on building a better future for one she loves.

hooks & plots.

perhaps you have a wild, funky, maybe not-so-fresh aetheric vibes going on. she is highly sensitive to aetheric disturbances, and can discern when aether feels off - whether it be corrupted, highly concentrated, the Void, or otherwise strange.
out in the wild
she can often be seen out in the world, researching medicinal properties, studying the stars and constellations, observing bestial behavior, or unearthing artifacts. her favorite pastimes, however, are fishing and cooking over a campfire.
mentorship / studentship
padu is a trained astrologian, having spent her entire life dedicated to the craft. while she holds little love for astromancy these days, she still values education and imparting knowledge onto others. in the same vein, if someone wishes to mentor her in somanoutics and the world of sages.. she is open ears!
general life
a definite sort to exchange stories with a stranger over tea, share food, have expensive shopping trips and go on adventures with, she’s the type to tag herself along no matter the dangers ahead. she tries her best to help people in need and will stick her nose into just about anything if she thinks it’d be fun.
just don’t mind her weird quirk for liking.. disturbing, sometimes gory situations and her tendency to be fond of perplexing oddities.
dragons & beastfolk
after the end of the Dragonsong War, she used to make frequent trips to the Churning Mists to see the dragons and moogles. In particular she used to be rather popular with dragonets due to her diminutive stature and exchanges stories and baubles with them. perhaps you’re a fellow lover of dragons, moogles, and other breast tribes alike and wish to travel throughout Eorzea to encounter more. while current commitments keep her busy, she will make an excuse to see beastfolk once more!
fellow peers
were you a child growing up in the sharlayan colony? a scholar who has the guts to face the unknown in the name of knowledge? padu is exactly like that, and she would love to get to know you.